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Jul 27, 2024          05:30:13 AM

Server Rates
20x Solo-Exp 35x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp 40x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate 25x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth
Rates are boosted until July 31st, 2024 11:59 PM


Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.


Online nowOnline peak
The server is currently Online
+15% damage buff
Damage buff until July 31st, 2024 11:59 PM
Stats update every 5minsView server uptime


Ranking List
Rank Player Score
1st ~Lizzy 8,937
2nd -[#24]+Wegzz.~ 5,424
3rd Zenpie#86 5,071
4th ~*Jutyx*~ 4,968
5th SpallanZany 4,855
6 Strongarm 2,813
7 l~[#Groggy#]~l 2,393
8 Star~ 2,098
9 zSkill. 1,987
10 -[#24]+Wegzz~ 1,949

November 20 2012
by [Admin]Rage

Maintenance Over + Donation Promotion!

Hello players, the server is back online and the following has been done.

If your client cannot be automatically updated, please download the newest patch.

Patch ROSO

-(DONE)Apparel Fission Option
-(DONE)Updated Tundra Path. (If your eqs are higher than +18 you cannot enter) and the mobs def and max have been lowered
-(DONE)Fixing the marriage effect bug when in party
-(DONE)VIP Sets are improved
-(DONE)New ring and necklace gems added
-(DONE)Turkeys will be added around the main cities that will drop some items. One of the items they will drop will include Christmas Greeting Card I suggest you keep those stored somewhere because they will become very useful when Christmas comes :P

2x Item Mall Points

All points will be doubled
$25.00 = 50 IMP + 5 IMP
$50.00 = 100 IMP + 10 IMP
$75.00 = 150 IMP + 15 IMP
$100.00 = 200 IMP + 20 IMP
$125.00 = 250 IMP + 25 IMP
$150.00 = 300 IMP + 30 IMP
$200.00 + Will be given a bonus of 60imps!

This promotion will last from November 20th, 2012 - November 28th, 2012

Apparel Fission (Thank you Yomazu)

Basically you are able to un-fuse your apparels and you will get the blank apparel and your set gemmed. The effectiveness will be lost and if you fuse your equipment you will have to do it again.

Tundra Path(Updated)

This is what happens when you try to enter with a +18 or more piece of equipment.

and this is what happens when you put the equips in inventory and equip them inside

Note:The system is checking for each gem level in socket. Example If you have a +17 equipment with a Lv9 in first socket, Lv3 in second socket and Lv5 In third socket, the system will not let you enter. All gems in each socket must be lower than level 6

Marriage Effect

The system will no longer spam you with that Marriage system is disabled if you party with people who you are not married to. The stat bonus does not work if you are in a party your spouse is not in.

VIP Set Improved

This is my stats on upgraded rage set +27 and 110%

This is my stats on vip set +27 unfused

New Ring and Neck Gems (Thank you Drake)

These gems can be obtained by winning CA (4x Accessory Gem Pouches) or BH (3x Accessory Gem Pouches) or BR (1st Place: 5x Accessory Gem Pouches 2nd Place: 3x Accessory Gem Pouches 3rd Place: 1x Accessory Gem Pouch)

Note: Accessory Gem pouch gives 1 random gem

Thank you for continuing to support us,

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