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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
83 Crystalline Kris 45 Dagger
84 Vampiric Kris 55 Dagger
85 Sailor Helm Sailor identification indicator. Can be put on a hat 10 Headgear
86 Pirate Helm Indicating pirate identification. Can be used with hats. 10 Headgear
87 Second Mate Helm It is the symbol of second mate, and can be enchanted on the hat. 10 Headgear
90 Lieutenant Commander Helm The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
91 Commander Helm The symbol of a lieutenant colonel's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
92 Colonel Helm The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put onto a hat. 10 Headgear
93 General Helm General status indicator, can be used on the hat 10 Headgear
94 Marshal Helm The symbol of a marshal's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
95 Major General Helm This is the symbol of a Major General and can be forge into a hat 10 Headgear
96 Captain Helm The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
97 Mystic Branch Ceremonial item used by Kara Followers 10 Short Staff
98 Wooden Stick Wooden stick that has special properties 20 Short Staff
99 Magical Staff Staff that has intrinsic magical properties 30 Short Staff
100 Grace Wand 40 Short Staff
101 Beastly Wand 40 Short Staff
102 Thundorian Staff Legendary weapon that when wielded, gives a lightning effect 50 Short Staff
103 Staff of Life Divine weapon that is able to heal and give life to all creatures 50 Short Staff
104 Wooden Stave 15 Short Staff
105 Hand Stave 25 Short Staff
106 Blessing Stave 35 Short Staff
107 Battle Stave 45 Short Staff
108 Lotus Staff 55 Short Staff
109 Staff of Wonders 70 Short Staff
110 Revered Staff 75 Short Staff
111 Demon Bane Rod 70 Short Staff
112 Crimson Rod 75 Short Staff
113 Draco 70 Sword
114 Drakan 75 Sword
115 Crag 70 Greatsword
116 Colossus 75 Greatsword
117 Rainbow 70 Bow
118 Twilight 75 Bow
119 Meteor Pearl 70 Firegun
120 Blitz Thunderbolt 75 Firegun
121 Husk Shield Shield made from husk. Provides little defense 10 Shield
122 Steel Shield Shield made from steel. Able to absorb damage from low level weapon 20 Shield
123 Tower Shield Hugh shield that is able to cover a whole person behind it 30 Shield
124 Feather Shield 35 Shield
125 Crevice Shield 45 Shield
126 Blessed Shield Holy shield that radiate wondrous colors 55 Shield
127 Wyrm Shield 65 Shield
150 Visceral 70 Dagger
151 Riven Soul 75 Dagger
196 Axe Woodcutting tool for all class. Require level 10 to use 10 Axe
197 Pickaxe Mining tool for all class. Require level 10 to use 10 Metal Pickaxe
198 Repair Hammer Repair tool for all class. Require level 10 to use 30 17
207 Gold Axe Woodcutting tool for all class that produce double yield. Required level 10 to use 10 Axe
208 Gold Pickaxe Mining tool for all class that produce double yield. Required level 10 to use 10 Metal Pickaxe