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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
83 | Crystalline Kris | — | 45 | Dagger |
84 | Vampiric Kris | — | 55 | Dagger |
85 | Sailor Helm | Sailor identification indicator. Can be put on a hat | 10 | Headgear |
86 | Pirate Helm | Indicating pirate identification. Can be used with hats. | 10 | Headgear |
87 | Second Mate Helm | It is the symbol of second mate, and can be enchanted on the hat. | 10 | Headgear |
90 | Lieutenant Commander Helm | The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put on a hat. | 10 | Headgear |
91 | Commander Helm | The symbol of a lieutenant colonel's status. It can be put on a hat. | 10 | Headgear |
92 | Colonel Helm | The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put onto a hat. | 10 | Headgear |
93 | General Helm | General status indicator, can be used on the hat | 10 | Headgear |
94 | Marshal Helm | The symbol of a marshal's status. It can be put on a hat. | 10 | Headgear |
95 | Major General Helm | This is the symbol of a Major General and can be forge into a hat | 10 | Headgear |
96 | Captain Helm | The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put on a hat. | 10 | Headgear |
97 | Mystic Branch | Ceremonial item used by Kara Followers | 10 | Short Staff |
98 | Wooden Stick | Wooden stick that has special properties | 20 | Short Staff |
99 | Magical Staff | Staff that has intrinsic magical properties | 30 | Short Staff |
100 | Grace Wand | — | 40 | Short Staff |
101 | Beastly Wand | — | 40 | Short Staff |
102 | Thundorian Staff | Legendary weapon that when wielded, gives a lightning effect | 50 | Short Staff |
103 | Staff of Life | Divine weapon that is able to heal and give life to all creatures | 50 | Short Staff |
104 | Wooden Stave | — | 15 | Short Staff |
105 | Hand Stave | — | 25 | Short Staff |
106 | Blessing Stave | — | 35 | Short Staff |
107 | Battle Stave | — | 45 | Short Staff |
108 | Lotus Staff | — | 55 | Short Staff |
109 | Staff of Wonders | — | 70 | Short Staff |
110 | Revered Staff | — | 75 | Short Staff |
111 | Demon Bane Rod | — | 70 | Short Staff |
112 | Crimson Rod | — | 75 | Short Staff |
113 | Draco | — | 70 | Sword |
114 | Drakan | — | 75 | Sword |
115 | Crag | — | 70 | Greatsword |
116 | Colossus | — | 75 | Greatsword |
117 | Rainbow | — | 70 | Bow |
118 | Twilight | — | 75 | Bow |
119 | Meteor Pearl | — | 70 | Firegun |
120 | Blitz Thunderbolt | — | 75 | Firegun |
121 | Husk Shield | Shield made from husk. Provides little defense | 10 | Shield |
122 | Steel Shield | Shield made from steel. Able to absorb damage from low level weapon | 20 | Shield |
123 | Tower Shield | Hugh shield that is able to cover a whole person behind it | 30 | Shield |
124 | Feather Shield | — | 35 | Shield |
125 | Crevice Shield | — | 45 | Shield |
126 | Blessed Shield | Holy shield that radiate wondrous colors | 55 | Shield |
127 | Wyrm Shield | — | 65 | Shield |
150 | Visceral | — | 70 | Dagger |
151 | Riven Soul | — | 75 | Dagger |
196 | Axe | Woodcutting tool for all class. Require level 10 to use | 10 | Axe |
197 | Pickaxe | Mining tool for all class. Require level 10 to use | 10 | Metal Pickaxe |
198 | Repair Hammer | Repair tool for all class. Require level 10 to use | 30 | 17 |
207 | Gold Axe | Woodcutting tool for all class that produce double yield. Required level 10 to use | 10 | Axe |
208 | Gold Pickaxe | Mining tool for all class that produce double yield. Required level 10 to use | 10 | Metal Pickaxe |