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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
12 | Striking Sword | — | 35 | Sword |
28 | Meteor Bow | Bow that fires arrows like meteors and comets | 35 | Bow |
34 | Marksman Bow | — | 35 | Bow |
38 | Fire-Rifle | Standard firegun used. However, speed of firing is slow | 35 | Firegun |
82 | Pointed Kris | — | 35 | Dagger |
106 | Blessing Stave | — | 35 | Short Staff |
124 | Feather Shield | — | 35 | Shield |
298 | Strong Leather Armor | — | 35 | Armor |
308 | Leather Vest | — | 35 | Armor |
314 | Slick Vest | — | 35 | Armor |
339 | Helmsman Vest | — | 35 | Armor |
354 | Big Crab Costume | — | 35 | Armor |
361 | Owl Costume | — | 35 | Armor |
374 | Emergency Robe | — | 35 | Armor |
474 | Strong Leather Gloves | — | 35 | Gloves |
490 | Slick Gloves | — | 35 | Gloves |
515 | Helmsman Gloves | — | 35 | Gloves |
530 | Big Crab Muffs | — | 35 | Gloves |
537 | Owl Muffs | — | 35 | Gloves |
550 | Emergency Gloves | — | 35 | Gloves |
650 | Strong Leather Boots | — | 35 | Shoe |
666 | Slick Boots | — | 35 | Shoe |
691 | Helmsman Boots | — | 35 | Shoe |
706 | Big Crab Shoes | — | 35 | Shoe |
713 | Owl Shoes | — | 35 | Shoe |
726 | Emergency Boots | — | 35 | Shoe |
763 | Armor of Revenant | This armor makes people tremble on sight. Has innate spiritual properties | 35 | Armor |
770 | Sword of Grief | People wounded by this sword eventually dies of fear | 35 | Greatsword |
777 | Robe of Death | Donning this robe makes the wearer agile and merciless | 35 | Armor |
781 | Touch of Death | Artifact symbolizing death | 35 | Firegun |
785 | Staff of the Avenger | Goddess Kara use this staff to break the magical array of the demons in ancient times | 35 | Short Staff |
789 | Robe of the Venom Witch | Robe worn to communicate with the metaphysical spirits | 35 | Armor |
799 | Tooth of Specter | Lethal and small weapon | 35 | Dagger |
803 | Mantle of the Naga | Origins unknown. Yet therein lies a great secret | 35 | Armor |
1397 | Assassin Sword | — | 35 | Sword |
1405 | Marksman Bow | — | 35 | Bow |
1407 | Enhanced Firegun | Standard firegun used. However, speed of firing is slow | 35 | Firegun |
1424 | Sword of Ripple | — | 35 | Dagger |
1436 | Vehemence Stave | — | 35 | Short Staff |
1452 | Refined Dagger | — | 35 | Dagger |
1471 | Beautiful Stave | — | 35 | Short Staff |
1884 | Undead Sealed Armor of Revenant | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Armor |
1891 | Undead Sealed Sword of Grief | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Greatsword |
1898 | Undead Sealed Robe of Death | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Armor |
1902 | Undead Sealed Touch of Death | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Firegun |
1906 | Undead Sealed Staff of the Avenger | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Short Staff |
1910 | Sealed Robe of the Venom Witch | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Armor |
1920 | Undead Sealed Tooth of Specter | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Dagger |
1924 | Undead Sealed Mantle of the Naga | A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden | 35 | Armor |
2191 | Big Crab Cap | — | 35 | Headgear |