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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
12 Striking Sword 35 Sword
28 Meteor Bow Bow that fires arrows like meteors and comets 35 Bow
34 Marksman Bow 35 Bow
38 Fire-Rifle Standard firegun used. However, speed of firing is slow 35 Firegun
82 Pointed Kris 35 Dagger
106 Blessing Stave 35 Short Staff
124 Feather Shield 35 Shield
298 Strong Leather Armor 35 Armor
308 Leather Vest 35 Armor
314 Slick Vest 35 Armor
339 Helmsman Vest 35 Armor
354 Big Crab Costume 35 Armor
361 Owl Costume 35 Armor
374 Emergency Robe 35 Armor
474 Strong Leather Gloves 35 Gloves
490 Slick Gloves 35 Gloves
515 Helmsman Gloves 35 Gloves
530 Big Crab Muffs 35 Gloves
537 Owl Muffs 35 Gloves
550 Emergency Gloves 35 Gloves
650 Strong Leather Boots 35 Shoe
666 Slick Boots 35 Shoe
691 Helmsman Boots 35 Shoe
706 Big Crab Shoes 35 Shoe
713 Owl Shoes 35 Shoe
726 Emergency Boots 35 Shoe
763 Armor of Revenant This armor makes people tremble on sight. Has innate spiritual properties 35 Armor
770 Sword of Grief People wounded by this sword eventually dies of fear 35 Greatsword
777 Robe of Death Donning this robe makes the wearer agile and merciless 35 Armor
781 Touch of Death Artifact symbolizing death 35 Firegun
785 Staff of the Avenger Goddess Kara use this staff to break the magical array of the demons in ancient times 35 Short Staff
789 Robe of the Venom Witch Robe worn to communicate with the metaphysical spirits 35 Armor
799 Tooth of Specter Lethal and small weapon 35 Dagger
803 Mantle of the Naga Origins unknown. Yet therein lies a great secret 35 Armor
1397 Assassin Sword 35 Sword
1405 Marksman Bow 35 Bow
1407 Enhanced Firegun Standard firegun used. However, speed of firing is slow 35 Firegun
1424 Sword of Ripple 35 Dagger
1436 Vehemence Stave 35 Short Staff
1452 Refined Dagger 35 Dagger
1471 Beautiful Stave 35 Short Staff
1884 Undead Sealed Armor of Revenant A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Armor
1891 Undead Sealed Sword of Grief A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Greatsword
1898 Undead Sealed Robe of Death A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Armor
1902 Undead Sealed Touch of Death A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Firegun
1906 Undead Sealed Staff of the Avenger A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Short Staff
1910 Sealed Robe of the Venom Witch A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Armor
1920 Undead Sealed Tooth of Specter A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Dagger
1924 Undead Sealed Mantle of the Naga A sealed item with hidden properties. The attribute of this item remained hidden 35 Armor
2191 Big Crab Cap 35 Headgear