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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
20 Rebel Sword 45 Greatsword
22 Crescent Sword 45 Sword
44 Token Pistol 45 Firegun
83 Crystalline Kris 45 Dagger
107 Battle Stave 45 Short Staff
125 Crevice Shield 45 Shield
301 Strong Platemail 45 Armor
302 Light Platemail 45 Armor
315 Peacock Vest 45 Armor
342 Mastman Vest 45 Armor
356 Ducky Costume 45 Armor
362 Hopperoo Costume 45 Armor
375 Passage Robe 45 Armor
378 Piety Robe 45 Armor
388 Happy Bunny Costume 45 Armor
470 Tiger Hide Gloves 45 Gloves
477 Strong Gauntlets 45 Gloves
478 Light Gauntlets 45 Gloves
491 Peacock Gloves 45 Gloves
518 Mastman Gloves 45 Gloves
532 Ducky Muffs 45 Gloves
538 Hopperoo Muffs 45 Gloves
551 Passage Gloves 45 Gloves
554 Piety Gloves 45 Gloves
564 Happy Bunny Muffs 45 Gloves
653 Strong Greaves 45 Shoe
654 Light Greaves 45 Shoe
667 Peacock Boots 45 Shoe
694 Mastman Boots 45 Shoe
708 Ducky Shoes 45 Shoe
714 Hopperoo Shoes 45 Shoe
727 Passage Boots 45 Shoe
730 Piety Boots 45 Shoe
740 Happy Bunny Shoes 45 Shoe
764 Tattoo of the Cursed Warrior 45 Armor
767 Platemail of the Cursed Soul 45 Armor
771 Greatsword of Incantation 45 Greatsword
774 Blade of Incantation 45 Sword
778 Corset of Incantation 45 Armor
782 Kiss of the Cursed 45 Firegun
786 Staff of Incantation 45 Short Staff
790 Coat of Invocation 45 Armor
793 Staff of Abraxas 45 Short Staff
796 Robe of Abraxas 45 Armor
800 Tooth of the Cursed 45 Dagger
804 Mantle of the Cursed Flame 45 Armor
1377 Common Rebel Sword 45 Greatsword
1386 Enhanced Rebel Sword 45 Greatsword
1398 Tribal Sword 45 Sword
1413 Steel Pistol 45 Firegun