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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: July 14th, 2024

Shocking Sea Jelly
Shocking Sea Jelly
Lv 46
HP 2,332
Attack 330-495
Defense 73
Dodge 165
HP Rec 17
Vision 1,000
STR 74
ACC 28
SPR 28
AI Auto Attacks
SP 10,000
PR 17
HR 155
SP Rec 0
ASPD 2,000
AGI 28
CON 51
EXP 1,700


Ascaron About 10 mobs
Respawns in 1 min(s) 32 sec(s)

Located around (2300,200) - (2800,600)


Bare Hand ID: 25
Bare Hand Usage Rate: 100%


Electrical Jelly Skin ID: 4953
Electrical Jelly Skin 100.00%
High Voltage Lightning Crystal ID: 1308
High Voltage Lightning Crystal 100.00%
High Voltage Tentacle ID: 1217
High Voltage Tentacle 100.00%
Ice Cream ID: 3126
Ice Cream 90.04%
Purple Dye ID: 1793
Purple Dye 45.00%
Refining Gem ID: 885
Refining Gem 0.38%