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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: October 29th, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
1 Short Sword Sword that is slightly shorter 10 Sword
25 Short Bow Short-ranged bow 10 Bow
73 Dagger Short dagger for self defense 10 Dagger
85 Sailor Helm Sailor identification indicator. Can be put on a hat 10 Headgear
86 Pirate Helm Indicating pirate identification. Can be used with hats. 10 Headgear
87 Second Mate Helm It is the symbol of second mate, and can be enchanted on the hat. 10 Headgear
90 Lieutenant Commander Helm The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
91 Commander Helm The symbol of a lieutenant colonel's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
92 Colonel Helm The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put onto a hat. 10 Headgear
93 General Helm General status indicator, can be used on the hat 10 Headgear
94 Marshal Helm The symbol of a marshal's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
95 Major General Helm This is the symbol of a Major General and can be forge into a hat 10 Headgear
96 Captain Helm The symbol of a captain's status. It can be put on a hat. 10 Headgear
97 Mystic Branch Ceremonial item used by Kara Followers 10 Short Staff
121 Husk Shield Shield made from husk. Provides little defense 10 Shield
196 Axe Woodcutting tool for all class. Require level 10 to use 10 Axe
197 Pickaxe Mining tool for all class. Require level 10 to use 10 Metal Pickaxe
207 Gold Axe Woodcutting tool for all class that produce double yield. Required level 10 to use 10 Axe
208 Gold Pickaxe Mining tool for all class that produce double yield. Required level 10 to use 10 Metal Pickaxe
290 Husk Armor 10 Armor
305 Coarse Vest 10 Armor
335 Cloth Shirt 10 Armor
365 Medic Robe 10 Armor
380 Mousey Costume 10 Armor
383 Goaty Costume 10 Armor
466 Husk Gloves 10 Gloves
481 Coarse Gloves 10 Gloves
511 Cloth Gloves 10 Gloves
541 Medic Gloves 10 Gloves
556 Mousey Muffs 10 Gloves
559 Goaty Muffs 10 Gloves
635 Lv 1 Strike Coral 10 Energy
642 Husk Boots 10 Shoe
657 Coarse Boots 10 Shoe
687 Cloth Boots 10 Shoe
717 Medic Boots 10 Shoe
732 Mousey Shoes 10 Shoe
735 Goaty Shoes 10 Shoe
817 Lv 1 Wind Coral 10 Energy
825 Kylin Armor Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Armor
826 Kylin Gloves Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Gloves
827 Kylin Boots Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Shoe
828 Kylin Cap Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Headgear
831 Lance Kylin Armor Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Armor
832 Lance Kylin Gloves Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Gloves
833 Lance Kylin Boots Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Shoe
834 Carsise Kylin Armor Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Armor
835 Carsise Kylin Gloves Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Gloves
836 Carsise Kylin Boots Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Shoe
837 Phyllis Kylin Armor Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Armor