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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: September 12th, 2024

Huge Mud Monster
Huge Mud Monster
Lv 50
HP 60,000,000
Attack 67,500-77,700
Defense 6,614
Dodge 212
HP Rec 500
Vision 1,000
STR 55
ACC 30
SPR 30
AI Auto Attacks
SP 10,000
PR 76
HR 1,400
SP Rec 100
ASPD 1,000
AGI 30
CON 180
Fractures: 1,500 Rate: 80%


Lair ID: 236
Lair Usage Rate: 50%
Lump of Mud King ID: 154
Lump of Mud King Usage Rate: 50%


Azrael Chest ID: 7302
Azrael Chest 100.00%
Reputation Card Chest ID: 7469
Reputation Card Chest 77.00%, 38.00%, 36.00%
Hydros Fruit ID: 7526
Hydros Fruit 26.00%, 36.00%
Deity Relic ID: 7874
Deity Relic 7.00%
Augment Guarantee Increase Ore ID: 7895
Augment Guarantee Increase Ore 3.00%, 2.00%, 3.00%
Augment Prevent Decrease Ore ID: 7893
Augment Prevent Decrease Ore 8.00%, 8.00%, 8.00%, 8.00%, 8.00%, 8.00%, 8.00%, 8.00%, 8.00%
Augment Mini Success Increase ID: 7950
Augment Mini Success Increase 7.00%, 7.00%, 7.00%, 7.00%